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Joined: Jun 13, 2010
Posts: 23
Location: Carnoustie, Scotland
Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:14 pm |
Hi all, I bought my Coupe a few months back (after years of being jealous of my dads) Its a 1994 2.0 16v, lovely car but needs alot of work to bring it back to a good standard. Had just over 130,000 Miles on her but after looking into it about it, looks like the last 4 years history were made up and the dash pod had been taken apart and built up several times, I only found this out when I had to take it apart myself to sort the Speedo not working (odometer didn't work either) so prob abit of several thousand miles missed out!
But not to fear, its time to fix all the faults!
My biggest problem with it was the engine, was abit noisey and was in need of some good attention. So i've decide to replace the chain and timing belt, double check the timing and all that. And whilst i'm at it shes getting Kent sports cams, Kent vernier cam pully, Kent Tappets and a Kent competition belt.
So got all the bits and a full rocker gasket set + inlet manifold gasket set + camshaft seal. I gernerously got a lend of a double garage to do all the work, so started stripping her down at the weekend. Got the front bumper and wing mirrors away to the painters and some fresh oil in her before the cam change. Really looking forward to getting her looking good and hopefully running sweet aswell.
After the engine work its off to Fife to get a longlife exhaust, also on the look out for a 5 branch manifold like bikerjims. Then get the alloys re-conned at Coatech, got a set of new centre caps aswell and need to order up some suitable rubber aswell (the tyres on it right now are shocking in the wet!)
Got an original front grille to go on it too, possibly going to go back to the amber indicators aswell, i'm keen to get her back to looking like she came out the factory.
Ill post more pictures as I get started, after all this work its time to go inside and sort the minefeild of problems, but thats a story for another day.
Here she is before...
1994 Audi Coupe 2.0 16v
1992 Volkswagen Scirocco GT2 |

Joined: Jun 13, 2010
Posts: 23
Location: Carnoustie, Scotland
Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:43 pm |
...started work 3 weeks ago, was hoping it would only take a week...but it hasn't!.
Stripped the front end, couldn't get the radiator fans unplugged (couldn't find a multiplug!) but they swung out the way ok.
Got the top timing belt cover off to find a nice surprise, the belt was in a pretty bad state!
The whole block was pretty oily and the spark plug holes were filled with oil! Obviously the rocker gasket was past its best, so was the dizzy seal, this evidently was the cause of my small oil leak.
Got the rocker off to find the chain worn and the chain gears pretty badly worn, I was planning to swap these onto the new camshaft but relised I'd be better with new ones. Phoned Audi to find out they don't sell them indavidually so got a pair from Kent Cams.
Got the camshafts out pretty easily, but by this time I was facing a wait for the new chain gears so I decided since it wasn't going to be done in the weekend I'd take the head off to make a proper job of it
1994 Audi Coupe 2.0 16v
1992 Volkswagen Scirocco GT2 |

Joined: Jun 13, 2010
Posts: 23
Location: Carnoustie, Scotland
Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:39 pm |
Got the head off and into work, then started to strip it. Cleaned all the valves up, they were pretty clean on the whole, only the exhausts were carboned up to any extent. Re-ground the valve seats aswell whilst they were out.
Plained the head surface and tidied up all the other surfaces, then went about trying to polish up all the ports. Took abit of the casting joins off the exhaust ports and for the inlets pretty well polished.
Cleaned the block up abit also.
New head bolts, gaskets all round, etc.. Then got the head back on, boy are those bolts tight! I thought half of them were going to snap doing the last 180deg. She looks pretty good now!
1994 Audi Coupe 2.0 16v
1992 Volkswagen Scirocco GT2 |

Joined: Jun 13, 2010
Posts: 23
Location: Carnoustie, Scotland
Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:08 pm |
A few of the Kent Cams bits and bobs...
Camshaft Pulley
1994 Audi Coupe 2.0 16v
1992 Volkswagen Scirocco GT2 |
Needs to get out more

Joined: Jun 11, 2008
Posts: 183
Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:53 pm |
Excellent work! Nice project  |

Joined: Jun 13, 2010
Posts: 23
Location: Carnoustie, Scotland
Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:03 pm |
Thanks Sidrick!
So finally got the cams in yesterday...
Looks amazing BUT! the timing is a nightmare because of these little b******s
They come with no timing marks on them and there vernier, but with no markings even for the degres like on the camshaft pulley. So basically (with the help of a colleague) we had a good look at them, worked out where to put the gears onto the cams (there was two wood rough key positions on each shaft) then tried to use makrs on the camshafts as reference points. Its worked pretty well, you can see i marked the teeth which would become my timing marks (the originals had circles on the gears) and on they went. Its lined up ok at the back but once i placed the rocker cover on the camshaft pulley maker was slighlty out, I adjusted this using the vernier but on second thoughts I think it would be best to take the shafts out and start again at the back gears. Bit of a nightmare, I've never changed cams before let alone try to set them up and it seems that theres no info on these anywhere on the net.
But anyway I'll try and line them up again this week, I tried the Kent timing belt on once the cams were in and its wrong! far to loose so I'll have to hunt to see if I can get the right one from Kent, if not it will just have to be standard.
Looking pretty nice though!
1994 Audi Coupe 2.0 16v
1992 Volkswagen Scirocco GT2 |
sdk778 trade Specialist

Joined: Sep 17, 2008
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Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:39 am |
Nice work pal
Have you tried to time it up using the OE cams? Then use them as a reference point for the Kent jobbies.
Had the same issue years ago on a Ford Zetec engine, ended up re-timing it with the old cams, marking them, then using the old cams side by side on the bench marked up the Kent cams using the lobes as a datum point along with the gears on each end, once fitted ensure you turn the engine by hand at least 3 or 4 times befor turning the key, egg sucking I know but we all forget.
Kent are a swine for not marking cams.
Good work chap, hats off to you.
Si.  |
_________________ 2002 TT Coupe 225
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Joined: Jun 13, 2010
Posts: 23
Location: Carnoustie, Scotland
Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:01 pm |
Its been a long winter...
...where to start?
I think at my last post I'd just sent the wrong cambelt back, after what felt like weeks my new belt arrived and then it was time to properly sit down and try to time it up right.
After endless attempts trying to get my marks on the gear pulleys to line up I decided to forget about them and go look at a few photos of the cams before they were out. I finally twigged and saw a pattern in the set up, then tried to copy this by turning the cams with the gear pulleys slack and hey presto! Everything came into place! I built the engine back up, got the radiator and fans all back together, just left the bumper off ready to fire it up.
It didn't fire first time, I could go into detail about the weeks I spent, checking timing, checking compression, checking fuel supply, phoning specialists for advice, trolling the net looking for k-jet advice and problem solving but at the end of the day, after I racked my brain for weeks trying to get the thing to start a simple tow is all it took! Literally towed it down the street and around the corner and in to life it fired, running great!
All that was left to do was re fit the freshly painted bumpers and wing mirrors and fine tune the distributor timing. Oh I also had to get a new distributor and rotor arm as the originals were knacked.
Got the car taxed for Feb and spent the best part of a day cleaning, polishing and waxing the paint, then shampooing and hoovering the interior.
So it's finally back on the road! Took slightly longer than the weekend I originally planned But she's sounding and running great now! possibly could start better, maybe need to take a look at the idle air control valve, but apart from that I couldn't be happier. The performance upgrade isn't earth shattering but she pulls amazingly from 4000 all the way up now, but not to aggressive on idle for a daily driver.
Sadly the first week back on the road wasn't great, after sorting out the heater controls I then discovered the heater matrix was goosed, it was leaking badly and leaving a film of anti-freeze on the window so sorted that last weekend. What a job! whole dash out only to find the heater air box is knackered to, but didn't have time to fix that so it just had to go back in. Gives enough heat to clear the windows but will defiantly need to be looked at again very soon.
Half-way there
Tearing my hair out at this point
The offending article
So what next? Still keen to get a Longlife CAT back system sorted out before the mot, found some nice Bilstein shockers and Boge springs to go with, not a huge drop 30mm at most, hopefully be able to afford to recon the alloys as well this year.
But all this depends on what happens to my winter runner...
Need to fix or swap the Pierburg carb or theres a possible Golf gti engine swap on the cards, in any case the bodywork needs tidied up before I decided to sell or keep it. The Coupe may need to wait untill the summer now. |
1994 Audi Coupe 2.0 16v
1992 Volkswagen Scirocco GT2 |

Joined: Apr 18, 2012
Posts: 34
Location: Nottingham
Sat Jun 02, 2012 12:00 pm |
Hi Stuart16V,
Any update on your project?
How does it run on the Kent cams? Are these Kent GF1602R?
I just bought a pair of GF1602Rs for my audi 2.016V and I need some advice - Does it worth the job?
Thank you in advance |

Joined: Jun 13, 2010
Posts: 23
Location: Carnoustie, Scotland
Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:53 am |
Hey, sorry for the slow reply.
It runs good, doesn't start great all the time but I wouldn't put that down to the cams, pulls great higher up in the rev range but possibly does make it a tad lethargic lower in the rev range, the cams are a tiny bit too aggressive for the road. But im happy with it, its quiet at low revs adn does pull when you want it.
Its a fair job, I struggled to get the timing right so take plenty on pictures before you take the old cams out! Someone had segested to me fitting a set of KR cams from a Corrado would have made the same effect, also would have cost a hell of alot less. It did cost alot in the end, I've just fitted aggresive cams to my Scirocco and it was only £15 quid (from an 8v GTI engine)
Hows your project getting on? |
1994 Audi Coupe 2.0 16v
1992 Volkswagen Scirocco GT2 |

Joined: Apr 18, 2012
Posts: 34
Location: Nottingham
Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:29 pm |
Hi Stuart16V,
I will fit my cams on the week after next week, but once they are in I will take my car to a Bosch garage. I know a guy who is really now his staff about K-jet and he will adjust the fuel mixture, and set the timing - I also will fit a Pipercross induction kit PK010 before I take it to Bosch.
I bought the cams as brand new on ebay a few weeks ago as new old stock - for £80
I checked on a few website and they still cost arount £470 anywhere else, so it was a bargain - thanks to ebay
The Pipercross indukcion kit cost on web around £90 - I bought it for £35 with post cost
By the way I have a brand new, never fitted Remus sport exhaust system (front and middle box and rear box with heat protected black paint and double round polished ends) as well and I try to sell it - it will fit for all B3-B4 from 1.6 up to 2.3 10V
I |